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Sausalito Wood Headboard, Seadrift, Queen | Pottery Barn

The Sausalito Wood Headboard is a beautiful and sturdy piece of furniture that will add elegance to your bedroom. Made from solid meranti wood, sungkai and meranti veneers, MDF and engineered wood, it has been finished in matte oil-based Seadrift. It is compatible with a PB adjustable mattress base and comes with White Glove S…
The Sausalito Wood Headboard is a beautiful and sturdy piece of furniture that will add elegance to your bedroom. Made from solid meranti wood, sungkai and meranti veneers, MDF and engineered wood, it has been finished in matte oil-based Seadrift. It is compatible with a PB adjustable mattress base and comes with White Glove Service for assembly.
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Pottery Barn
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The Sausalito Wood Headboard is a beautiful and sturdy piece of furniture that will add elegance to your bedroom. Made from solid meranti wood, sungkai and meranti veneers, MDF and engineered wood, it has been finished in matte oil-based Seadrift. It is compatible with a PB adjustable mattress base and comes with White Glove Service for assembly.

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